Friday, March 28, 2008

St Augustine's Church 聖奧斯定教堂 (圣奥斯定教堂)

The St Augustine's Church at Santo Agostinho Square, was established by Spanish Augustinians in 1586. The facade was originally of Baroque style. It taken over by the Portuguese in 1591. The present building was dates back to 1814. It has a high altar with the statue of Christ carrying the cross.

The procession of Our Lord of the Passion is head every year on the first Sunday of Lent, the statue is brought to the Cathedral at night. The next day it is paraded through the streets where the Stations of the Cross are set up along the route. The event was attended by the clergy and laymen, it is then restored to the St Augustine's Church.

The St Augustine's Church today draws a strong participation from the Filipino community in Macau.

聖奧斯定教堂(俗稱龍嵩廟、龍鬚廟、崗頂聖堂), 由西班牙奧斯定會修士於1591年創建。 教堂最初的建筑非常簡陋, 教士們便用蒲葵葉覆蓋屋頂來遮擋風雨, 每當大風吹來蒲葵葉便隨風飛揚, 華人遠遠望去, 覺得這情景像龍須豎起, 就稱教堂作“龍須廟", 后又以粵音轉稱“龍嵩廟"。 教堂於1874年重修后形成今天的規模。 該教堂每年為期兩天的苦難耶穌像巡游, 有悠久的歷史, 是澳門天主教會重要的節日活動之一。

教堂於1825年重修, 外形庄嚴雄偉, 內部裝潢寬敞闊大, 有三條石柱相間的側廊。 以大理石建成的祭壇上有一座耶穌背十字架的雕像。 相傳此雕像被送至大堂安放, 但卻神奇地回到聖奧斯定堂的祭壇上。 在每年四旬期游行的前一晚, 這個雕像會先送到大堂, 隔天再從大堂出發參與游行。 祭壇採用鋼筋混凝土結構, 裝飾為巴羅克風格, 表面飾水磨石, 地板鋪設馬賽克, 而中廳內部還有小祭壇。


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