Saturday, May 24, 2008

Procession of St. Anthony 澳門聖安多尼聖像巡遊 (圣安多尼圣像巡遊)

St. Anthony's Feast is celebrated in Macau every year. This year it will be celebrate on the Sunday evening of June 15. Followers and well-wishers will walk from St. Anthony's Church to the nearby Camões Garden bearing the statue of St. Anthony, and the procession will return to the church when completing the mass.

Time: 6:00 pm
Starting point: St. Anthony's Church

每年6月13日是聖安多尼節, 澳門將在6月15日舉行一年一度的聖安多尼聖像巡遊。

活動在澳門三大古老教堂之一的聖安多尼教堂 (建於1638年) 舉行。信徒抬著聖像從聖安多尼教堂出發步行至白鴿巢前地,彌撒後再折返教堂。


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Friday, March 28, 2008

St. Joseph's Seminary and Church - 聖若瑟修院 (圣若瑟修院)

Located on top a hill called Mato Mofino in the southeast section of Macau, the Seminary was founded by the Jesuits in 1728 where they educated many young Macanese and foreigners.

The construction of St. Joseph’s Seminary Church began in 1746 and was completed in 1758. This church was opened in 1758 as part of the Jesuit seminary of St. Joseph. However, the despotic Marquis of Pombal in 1758 had the Jesuits removed. The latin shape church is a fine example of Baroque architecture.

The floor plan of St. Joseph follows the cruciform shape and also has a high domed ceiling which gives this church exceptional acoustics. Sometimes musical concerts such as the International Music Festival can be done here. The architectural design of the Seminary building is simple while the Church is renowned for its elaborate baroque style. The main building of the seminary was restored three times, in 1903, 1953 and 1995.

The seminary building is a simple, neo-classical compound designed with an internal cloister garden. The seminary was constructed primarily of grey brick, the solid walls stand on granite foundations. It originally had only two floors and a third one was added at the end of the 19th century. The seminary’s main entrance is on Seminario Street, access can also be gained via a flight of 54 granite steps, through a wooden door to the right of the church’s forecourt. A door beside the altar leads to an exquisite walled garden, containing an ancient well and plant nursery.

聖若瑟修院於1728年由耶穌會士創辦。 在二百多年的辦學過程中, 聖若瑟修院培養了許多中國和東南亞各地教會的人才, 被老一輩的澳門人稱為澳門天主教的“少林寺"。 與修院毗連的聖若瑟修院聖堂於1746年興建, 1758年落成, 規模僅次於耶穌會士興建的聖保祿教堂(現大三巴牌坊前身), 因此本地人又稱它為“三巴仔"。 聖堂內有奠基石及奠基紀念銅牌記載修建聖堂的日期及人員。 聖堂至1953年再被修葺形成今日規模, 具有巴羅克建筑風格。

聖堂內現存聖方濟各沙勿略(Francisco Xavier)的手肱骨, 供教徒敬禮。 沙勿略是第一位到遠東傳教的耶穌會士, 1552年死於澳門附近的上川島(St. John Island), 后被譽為東方宗徒。 該聖髑被視為東方天主教會的重要文物。 祭壇供奉聖若瑟像, 為巴羅克式設計, 裝飾甚多, 其中兩組四枝腰纏金葉的旋柱最具特色, 柱頭則以斷山花形式收結。 主堂左右分別為供奉耶穌及聖母之祭壇, 而頂部由四個帆拱頂托起的羅馬式穹窿空間, 開有三環各16個窗戶, 其中最高一環祗是象徵式的窗框線, 另兩環才具有透風及採光功能, 穹頂內側為白色, 中間是黃色的耶穌會會徽。

St. Dominic's Church 玫瑰堂

Located right in the middle of Leal Senado plaza of Macau, St. Domingo was built by three Spanish Dominican priests in the mid 16th century. The church has been used to worship the Our Lady of Fatima - the most favorable goddess of the Portuguese. The parade of Our Lady of Fatima was held every year in May 13, began from this sanctuary inside this church.

St. Dominic's Church was originally built in wood, but finally rebuilt in stone in the year 1828. The basic layout of the church is influenced by both Portuguese and Spanish styles. The architecture is Jesuit mannerist. The ceiling of the church is fully decorated with different patterns of paintings, among the most attractive one is the one with big crown in the middle. The interior of the church is mainly consisted of colorful glass patterns, with a variety of shapes and sizes. The main altar is under the pattern of the crown. There is a statue of the sacred Mother with a sacred infant on her hands, and inside the sanctuary is the statue of Our Lady of Fatima on the altar.

The church was renovated in 1997 and opened to the public with a museum on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. This museum shows paintings, sculptures and liturgical ornaments that illustrate the history of the Roman Catholic church in Asia.

玫瑰堂正名為玫瑰聖母堂及聖多明我教堂, 位於澳門的市中心, 至今已有400多年歷史。 教堂於1587年由西班牙聖多明我會所建, 奉祀玫瑰聖母 (Our Lady of the Rosary), 次年由該會的葡萄牙教士所接管。 由於起初隻由木板搭建, 故被華人稱為「板樟堂」, 直至17世紀方改為磚石的結構。 1874年曾因火災而焚毀, 當年重建后則成現在的規模。 整座教堂建筑富麗堂皇, 其巴羅克建筑風格的祭壇更是典雅精致。 教堂旁的“聖物寶庫"收藏了三百多件澳門天主教珍貴文物。 教堂於每年5月13日舉行的花地瑪聖母聖像巡游, 是澳門天主教重要的節日活動之一, 喻意提示世人勿忘聖母在葡萄牙花地瑪對三位牧童的親授經文來祈求世界和平。

Grand Prix Museum 格蘭披治大賽車博物館 (格兰披治大赛车博物馆)

The Grand Prix Museum was built in Macau dedicated to racing. The museum was inaugurated in 1993. The objective of the museum is to remember and document the great moments in Grand Prix history, and at the same time to build a stronger and closer relationship between the local population and this social and sports event.

This museum was established to give extra promotion for the Macau Grand Prix in the hope to attracting more tourists to come, visit and join in the celebration of Macau Grand Prix, and paying tribute to individuals such as Teddy Yip, Paul Du Toit, Laurel, Ayrton Senna, and John Corsmit who contributed immensely to the success of the Grand Prix at the same time.

The exhibition hall of the Grand Prix Museum is packed with racing cars and motorcycles that have competed in the Macau Grand Prix through the years. These are the cars that competed in the races before.

One of the favorite attraction in this museum is the simulators. It allows visitors to feel of driving at a speed of up to 200 kilometers per hour. It allows visitors to play the driver of a speeding race car and the freedom to control the car on the Guia Circuit through the use of a television screen, or experience how it is be the passenger of a car that was driven during the Grand Prix.

大賽車博物館為了紀念澳門格蘭披士賽車四十周年, 澳門政府旅游司(現旅游局)興建了一座以這項賽事為主題的博物館。 並於一九九三年揭幕。 館內展出了與格蘭披士賽事有關的照片, 說明文章、獎項、舊款賽車及著名車手曾使用的戰車等。 各項展品均由不同的政府部門及私人機構所提供。 通過雙方的努力, 才能使不同類別的原制品得以集中起來, 作為展覽之用。 例如曾馳騁東望洋道路的跑車, 便是由私人收藏家和旅游司相繼捐贈及提供的, 其中數輛更是由跑車車主借出。 展出舊款賽車包括1954年格蘭披治賽車的第一部冠軍車 - Eduardo Carvalho 的Triumph TR2 賽車。

館內面積雖小, 但收藏品卻十分豐富, 除了有各式各樣的賽車還收藏了很多有關格蘭披治大賽車的照片、說明文章、獎項等, 各種展品都放置在不同的展區內。 旨在讓參觀者能更方便和有系統地了解各展品的歷史, 以及通過館內的各樣展品令人們對澳門格蘭披治大賽有更深的了解, 並且能緬懷那些曾為該賽事作出貢獻的人士和車手。

館內有二十多輛車壇名將的戰車, 有方程序賽車、摩托車和車手們用過的物品。 其中最著名的莫過於名震車壇的已故車手冼拿的參賽名車和他的賽車服了。 名將米高舒麥加曾在澳門作賽, 故館內亦放置了他當時在澳門參賽之賽車, 而且還有投影機放影他當年賽事時之精彩情況。

地址: 澳門高美士街旅游活動中心
開放時間: 每日上午十時至下午六時, 逢星期二休館
票價: 成人澳門幣10元, 十一歲至十八歲:澳門幣5元, 十歲以下小童及六十歲以上長者免費入場
電話: 7984108

Ruins of St. Paul 大三巴牌坊

Today Macau's most famous tourist site, Ruins of St. Paul refer to the façade of what was originally the Cathedral of St. Paul. The structure stands adjacent to the famous Mount Fortress and Macau Museum.

St Paul College Cathedral was the largest Christian church in Asia at the time built in the 16 century. A violent typhoon hit Macau in 1835 and the church caught fire for the third time in 1835.

The structure has five tiers from the bottom up:
The first tier is comprised of ten Ionic columns with three entrances. The entrance in the middle has 'MATER DEI' carved into it. The two entrances on each side are decorated with bas-reliefs in the pattern of 'HIS'.

The second tier features ten Corinthian columns with three windows. A Catholic saint is enshrined in each of four tabernacles between columns. The two tiers as a whole is said to represent the Society of Jesus and the activities of missionaries.

The remaining three tiers are the most decorated.
The statue of Madonna stands in the middle of the third tier and the statue of Jesus stands on the fourth. The walls are covered with bas-reliefs in various patterns like devils, angels, symbols of crucifixion, a Portuguese sailing ship, etc.

The triangular combination of the upper three tiers reflects the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) as well as the Blessed Virgin Mary. A cross stands at the coping of the wall.

The Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt was also built and has exhibitions of religions artworks including paintings, sculptures and statues.

澳門的標志性建筑大三巴牌坊 (Ruinas da Antiga Catedral de S. Paulo), 一般稱為大三巴(而聖若瑟修院一區被稱為小三巴), 部份澳門市民直接稱為牌坊。

大三巴牌坊是天主之母教堂(即聖保祿教堂)正面前壁的遺址。 聖保祿教堂於1602年由意大利籍耶穌會會士斯皮諾拉神父設計, 現在牌坊左側還存有當時的奠基石。 整個建筑工程於1637至1640年間才完全竣工。 目前所見的教堂前壁就是最后落成的部分。 1835年的一場大火后, 僅燒剩教堂的正面前壁、大部分地基以及教堂前的石階。 自此之后這裡便成為世界聞名的聖保祿教堂遺址。 本地人因教堂前壁形似中國傳統牌坊, 將之稱為大三巴牌坊。 教堂為矯飾主義風格。 前壁用麻石砌成。 上下5層, 左右共自第3層起可分9格。 前壁右側有一石旗杆夾(左邊與之成對的一副已不存), 下有68層階級, 與教堂位置並不一致。

第一層:最上層為一個三角形山花, 上有銅鴿象徵聖神, 左右有日月星辰。 頂部有一十字架。

第二層:正中為小耶穌, 圍以釘死其之刑具, 往外由4枝混合式壁柱組成, 柱間以天使淺浮雕點綴, 柱兩邊有弧形山牆。

第三層:中央為聖母升天, 天使奏樂歡慶, 周圍飾以牡丹和菊花(象徵來自中國和日本的基督徒技師)。 此一層中央共有6枝混合式壁柱, 兩側以方尖柱代替壁柱。 各柱間均以淺浮雕裝飾, 左邊是智慧之樹及一隻七翼龍, 其上有一聖母, 側有中文「聖母踏龍頭」字樣, 而右邊對稱位置上則是生命之泉及一隻西式帆船, 上有海星聖母。 在柱組外邊是一頂呈弧狀之扶壁, 右邊是一骷髏及中文字「念死者無為罪」, 左邊則是一魔鬼浮雕及中文「鬼是誘人為惡」, 此層最外側兩塊牆身是由兩條帶有圓頂之方尖柱, 左面牆身再現鴿子, 下有一開啟的門, 而右面為被箭所穿之王冠, 下方門閉鎖, 意即信仰而非權勢才是天國之道。 而牆側則設有中國舞獅造型的開大口之獅子作滴水之用。

第四層:由10支科林斯柱式及3個窗口組成, 窗楣上有均有七朵玫瑰花浮雕裝飾, 中間窗口側兩柱間以棕櫚樹裝飾, 側窗洞兩邊柱間對稱設有壁龕, 供奉4位聖人。

第五層:牌坊最下層有3個入口並有10枝愛奧尼柱式支撐及裝飾牆面, 正門兩側各3枝, 而側門一邊各2枝, 正門上寫有意大利文「MATER DEI」(意思是此教堂是供奉天主之母及有通往天國之門的意思)。 側門門楣上有耶穌會的「口號」IHS(意思是人類救主)的浮雕圖案。

Leal Senado Building 民政總署大樓 (民政总署大楼)

located on a square bearing the same name, Leal Senado Square (Largo do Leal Senado), the Leal Senado Building was erected in 1784. The building was the municipal council of the Portuguese government in Macau before the handover. The building now houses the offices of the Institute for Civic and Municipal Affairs of the Macao SAR. The architecture style in the Leal Senado building is neo-classical southern European style.

The building features an underground exhibition hall. The library has a mass valuable literary collection spanning the 17th Century to the 1950s, including the "A Abelha da China" newspaper, which was established in 1822 as the first Macau paper and the first foreign language paper to appear in China. The great hall on the ground floor feature antique designs and luxurious decorations, with a neat and beauty little garden inside. The garden has an elegant and simple design with decorative objects such as a bronze bust of the poet Luis de Camoes.

民政總署大樓的位置, 歷史上原為一座中式亭樓建筑的議事亭, 為明朝政府宣讀政府命令和作為中葡官員會面的場所。 1784年(清干隆四十九年)葡萄牙人購買了該地皮, 並興建具葡萄牙風格的議事公局大樓。 大樓成為葡萄牙人在澳門的地方政治心臟, 一切市政事宜以至葡萄牙的集會和慶典都會在此舉行。 議事公局大樓后曾多次重修, 目前規模是1874年重修時形成的, 具明顯的南歐建筑藝術特色。

澳門市政廳大樓曾附設過多個機構, 包括賈梅士博物院、書信館、法院和監獄,后均遷出。 2002年1月1日澳門民政總署成立, 取代澳門的市政機構, 大樓名稱也改為「民政總署大樓」。 大樓地下右側是展覽廳, 定期舉辦各項藝術展覽。 大樓二樓設有一所公共圖書館, 於1929年啟用。 圖書館以葡國瑪弗拉修道院的圖書館(Biblioteca do Convento de Mafra)為設計藍本, 裝潢和家具陳設具有厚厚的古典氣息。 現在專門收藏17世紀至20世紀50年代的外文古籍, 特別是葡萄牙在非洲及遠東的歷史文獻, 其中不乏珍品。 另外大樓的后方有一個葡式花園, 有一個渾天儀形狀的花圃以及葡萄牙詩人賈梅士的半身像。

Lou Kau Mansion 盧家大屋 (卢家大屋)

Lou Kau Mansion is located at Travessa da Se No.7, one of the alleys close to Largo do Senado. The Mansion was built in around 1889 and its one of the residences of the wealthy Lou Lim Iok family.

The mansion was constructed in grey brick, the house was divided into a main hall with side wings with a very nice ornamental windows, stain doors and complicated decorated walls. The architectural characteristics of the mansion is a typical of Xiguan Chinese residential house.

A screen was placed to prevent bad luck at the main entrance, according to the requirements of geomancy. The ornamental window design reflects the influence of Western architecture. This includes the neo-classical balustrades and perforated wooden ceilings.

The Two courtyards at Lou Kau Mansion are separates the three main halls and all are arranged within an axis. The three halls are the Entrance Hall, Tea Hall and Senior Hall, as this demonstrates the hierarchical structure of Chinese families.

盧家大屋(Casa de Lou Kau)又稱金玉堂, 位於大堂巷七號, 據屋內左次間天井檐口的題詩年份顯示該大屋約於清光緒十五年(1889 年)落成, 是澳門二十世紀初商人盧華紹(盧九)住宅。 大屋高兩層, 以青磚建造, 布局彷廣州西關大屋, 但從中能找到一些歐洲特色的裝飾品或加建之部分。 1992年被澳門政府評為「具建筑藝術價值之建筑物」成為受保護建筑。

之後盧氏家族沒落, 業權輾轉到外人手上。 大屋被分租出去, 曾有大批難民涌入進住, 最高峰時期曾有二十多戶住客, 且在八十年代前缺乏維修, 亦因此大屋很多部份被拆掉改建。 及后澳門文化局於2002年7月為此進行復修並列入澳門歷史城區的一部份。

Our Lady of Carmel Church 嘉模聖母堂 (嘉模圣母堂)

Situated at the Carmel Square in Taipa, The Church of Our Lady of Carmel was built in 1885 and was rebuilt in 1985. It stands on a hill overlooking the sea in Taipa village. It was built to serve the Catholics in Taipa. It is the only Catholic church in Taipa today and was built in the neoclassical style. The hall inside the church can accommodate over two hundred worshippers at one time, making it a popular venue for weddings. The statue of Virgin Mary stands on an altar flanked by statuettes of angels, added to commemorate the centenary of the church.

位於氹仔嘉模前地的嘉模聖母堂是1885年為方便氹仔教徒的宗教活動而建, 同時象徵當年葡萄牙人來到氹仔。 該堂曾於1985年重修, 是氹仔唯一的天主教堂。 教堂佔地二千余平方尺, 頂部為鐘樓。 禮堂高大寬敞, 可容二百多教友同時參加儀式。 聖壇上置聖母像, 據說是從歐洲運來, 其兩側有數尺高的天使像, 造型栩栩如生, 是為紀念建堂百周年而置。 教堂位於龍環葡韻上面, 是澳門居民舉行婚禮和郊游觀光的好去處。

Macau Moorish Barracks 港務局大樓 (港务局大楼)

Located close to the Inner Harbour, the Macau Moorish Barracks became offices for Marine and Customs Police and now houses the Macao Maritime Administration. The building was built with brick and stone neo-classical structure with some Moorish influences. The rest of the building has only one floor, except to the rear the construction has two floors. The building was painted light yellow, with most of the details picked out in white.

An Indian regiment was brought to Macao from Goa in order to reinforce the local police force in a move to keep peace and order. An Italian architect named Cassuto designed this Moorish-style building to accommodate the Indian policemen. Construction was completed in August 1874. There were two hundred Indian soldiers stationed in the Macau Moorish Barracks according to historical records.

港務局大樓原稱摩爾兵營(Quartel dos Mouros)俗稱水師廠。 由一位意大利人卡蘇杜(Cassuto)設計, 1874年建成。 摩爾兵營是當時由印度來澳的警察的營地, 兵營可駐二百多名官兵。 1905年大樓改為港務局和水警稽查隊的辦公地點, 故被俗稱為水師廠。 由於港務局大樓位處於媽閣內港入口附近的山坡地, 其樓頂設置的台風信號站讓漁民、船隻與居民得知風球信號。

Museum of Taipa and Coloane History 路氹歷史館 (路氹历史馆)

The Museum of Taipa and Coloane History was constructed way back in the 1920s. It was formerly the building of the former Island Council Building, which served as the administrative center of the island's government and it played an important role in the development of the island.

The Museum were built in two floors which consist of nine exhibition rooms, a video presentation area and of course, a souvenir shop. The nine exhibition rooms are differentiated according to location and specific themes.

The exhibition rooms on the first floor, exhibition rooms 1 to 5 of the Museum of Taipa and Coloane History, contain historical relics that were unearthed in Coloane.

The exhibition rooms on the second floor have different themes, including the history of the former Islands Municipal Council, a look back at agriculture and handicrafts in the old days. This provides visitors with a better understanding of the modern political and economical development of Coloane and Taipa.

路氹歷史館大樓前身為海島市市政廳大樓, 為昔日澳門離島之行政中心, 始建於1920年。

路氹歷史館大樓高兩層, 佔地六百三十八平方米, 屬新古典主義建筑風格。 大樓在1992年被收錄在《澳門文物名錄》內之具建筑藝術價值之建筑物, 后經澳門民政總署改建為專題博物館。 歷史館保留了昔日海島市市政廳的會議室擺設。 而地下室石結構遺址及其內發現之文物亦為展示內容。 另外路氹歷史館的展覽品是以龍環葡韻住宅式博物館的海島之家為基礎, 再從該地區不同的團體和居民進行文物徵集、訪問等研究活動而來的。 其展覽共分九個展室, 以扣環型式展示路氹的歷史變遷與居民生活。

第二展室: 展示首次在氹仔進行考古發掘的「氹仔前海島市政廳地下室石結構遺址」及文物, 有近百年歷史, 是澳門考古史以來首次完全由澳門人主持的考古發掘, 亦為澳門特別行政區成立后首次考古發掘。


地址: 氹仔告利雅施利華街
開放時間: 上午10時至下午6時(逢星期一休館)

Sir Robert Ho Tung Library 何東圖書館大樓 (何东图书馆大楼)

Located at St Augustine's Square and right beside the entrance to the St Joseph Seminary, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library is currently the biggest library in Macau. The building which houses Sir Robert Ho Tung Library was constructed in 1894. It was originally owned by one Dona Carolina Cunha and bought over by Hong Kong businessman Sir Robert Ho Tung in 1918. The house was used as his private residence between 1941 to 1945 when Hong Kong fell into the hands of the Japanese, Sir Robert moved to Macao and stayed here until the war ended. When Sir Robert passed away in 1955, the building was willed to the government to be converted into a public library. The Sir Robert Ho Tung Library was officially opened in 1958.

The original structure is inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its historical, cultural and architectural values.

何東圖書館大樓建於1894年(清光緒二十年)以前, 原主人為官也夫人(D. Carolina Cunha)。 香港富商何東爵士於1918年購入該大樓作為夏天來澳門消暑的別墅。 二次大戰日軍佔據香港期間(1941-1945)何東爵士曾在此定居。 1955年何東爵士逝世, 其后人根據生前遺囑意願將故居贈予政府作為公共圖書館用途。 至1958 年圖書館正式對外開放。

何東圖書館為集歷史、文化和建筑藝術於一體的園林式圖書館。 歐陸風韻的建筑樓高三層, 前部有拱廊, 是典型的花園式豪華住宅。 圖書館於1958年正式對外開放初時隻開放一樓藏書樓部分。 到1989年何東圖書館重修后, 地下為中文書庫和報刊室, 二樓為古籍藏書樓、澳門資料室及辦公室, 三樓為展覽廳和視聽室。 2005年何東圖書館主樓后花園側建了一座新大樓, 成為全澳門最大的公共圖書館。

Casa Garden - Former East India Company Headquarter 賈梅士博物院 - 東方基金會會址 (贾梅士博物院 - 东方基金会会址)

Built in 1770, the Casa Garden was originally the luxurious villa of a royal aristocrat from Portugal - Manuel Pereira. The garden occupies a very extensive area and featuring the English architectural style. The site was the seat for a museum in the 20th century and currently is one of the largest and most secluded parks in Macau.

The mansion has arched windows and shutters, with the exterior walls of the Casa Garden hosue are painted white. There is a marble balcony and stone steps and the main hall is splendidly decorated with a southern European style. A small bronze statute of Camões can be found in the park grotto, and at the far end of the garden.

At a later period the Casa Garden was rented out to the Macao Branch of the English East India Company as a residence for commercial directors, taipans and high-ranking British officers stationed in China.

The Casa Garden is now the head office of the Orient Foundation - a Macau cultural foundation.

東方基金會會址建於1770年代, 原址是澳門富商俾利喇(Manuel Pereira)的別墅。 后來租給英國東印度公司作為該公司駐華商務監督, 大班及英國駐中國高級官員的住所。 1885年該房屋成為澳葡政府的財產。 二十世紀60年代后曾改作賈梅士博物院, 現為東方基金會會址。 東方基金會會址建筑是澳門首幢別墅式花園的豪華住宅, 因此整個格調極具氣派。

The Old Macau Protestant Cemetery 舊基督教墳場 (旧基督教坟场)

The Old Protestant Cemetery was established by the British East India Company in 1821. The Cemetery was built in response of the need for a burial place for the non-Catholic community of Macau.

During that time, the Portuguese considered Macau sacred Roman Catholic ground, and barred non Catholics from being buried within its city walls. On the other side of the barrier gate, ecclesiastical law forbade the burial of Protestants on Catholic soil and the Chinese were also intolerant of foreigners being buried on their soil. The Protestant traders had to bury their dead in the area just outside the city walls. But the Chinese were not impressed considering the practice a desecration of their land, so this had to be done in secrecy, under the cover of night. Until 1814 that land was sold to the British East Indian Company who opened the cemetery in 1821 to finally resolved this fraught situation. Inmates include many naval officers along with Robert Morrison, first Protestant missionary to China, and Lord John Spencer Churchill, ancestor of Sir Winston. Artist George Chinnery, renowned for his pictures of Macau holds pride of place.

The Old Protestant Cemetery is one of the sites within the Historic Centre of Macau, and is inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

舊基督教墳場是由英國東印度公司於1821年建立, 以解決當時新教徒缺乏長眠之所的問題。 天主教會固不願見異教徒葬於城牆之內, 中國人亦不容許外國人埋於關閘以北的地方。 來自英國、美國及北歐國家的商人唯有秘密地把先人葬於城牆與關閘之間, 恐防被中國人發現會發生沖突, 甚至在離開之后毀墳滅尸。 事情最終在馬禮遜的夫人瑪麗在1821年去世以后解決。 馬禮遜其時為東印度公司職員, 便請東印度公司出面, 向澳葡當局申請將現址辟為墳場。 后來所有外國人都可以在此安息, 而原先葬於其他地方的遺體亦遷葬於此, 所以有些墓碑的年代早於墳場始建的年份。 1857年市政廳禁止市區內埋入任何死者, 墳場因此關閉並完整地保存至今。

墳場分兩部分, 前為與墳場同時興建的馬禮遜小教堂, 是澳門第一座基督教傳道所。 后為墓園, 墓塚數十座, 埋葬的多是來華的英國商人, 東來拓殖的殖民主義者, 鴉片戰爭中在華身亡的英國將領及基督教傳教士。 其中最著名的有居澳20余載的英國畫家喬治錢納利 (George Chinnery)(1774-1852), 基督教傳教士馬禮遜(Robert Morrison)(1782-1834)。 馬禮遜是第一位來華的新教傳教士, 曾長期在澳門工作, 死后葬於教堂旁邊的墓地, 此教堂也以其命名。 墳場葬了來自英國、美國、荷蘭、丹麥、瑞典和德國的國民。 除了上述的名人外, 尚有戴雅牧師 (Rev. Samuel Dyer), 英國皇家海軍艦長亨利 約翰・史賓塞邱吉爾 (即喬治史賓塞—邱吉爾之子,溫斯頓・邱吉爾之曾曾曾叔)和美國海軍上尉約瑟哈羅德・亞當斯 (美國第二任總統約翰亞當斯之孫、第六任總統約翰・昆西亞當斯之侄)。

St Augustine's Church 聖奧斯定教堂 (圣奥斯定教堂)

The St Augustine's Church at Santo Agostinho Square, was established by Spanish Augustinians in 1586. The facade was originally of Baroque style. It taken over by the Portuguese in 1591. The present building was dates back to 1814. It has a high altar with the statue of Christ carrying the cross.

The procession of Our Lord of the Passion is head every year on the first Sunday of Lent, the statue is brought to the Cathedral at night. The next day it is paraded through the streets where the Stations of the Cross are set up along the route. The event was attended by the clergy and laymen, it is then restored to the St Augustine's Church.

The St Augustine's Church today draws a strong participation from the Filipino community in Macau.

聖奧斯定教堂(俗稱龍嵩廟、龍鬚廟、崗頂聖堂), 由西班牙奧斯定會修士於1591年創建。 教堂最初的建筑非常簡陋, 教士們便用蒲葵葉覆蓋屋頂來遮擋風雨, 每當大風吹來蒲葵葉便隨風飛揚, 華人遠遠望去, 覺得這情景像龍須豎起, 就稱教堂作“龍須廟", 后又以粵音轉稱“龍嵩廟"。 教堂於1874年重修后形成今天的規模。 該教堂每年為期兩天的苦難耶穌像巡游, 有悠久的歷史, 是澳門天主教會重要的節日活動之一。

教堂於1825年重修, 外形庄嚴雄偉, 內部裝潢寬敞闊大, 有三條石柱相間的側廊。 以大理石建成的祭壇上有一座耶穌背十字架的雕像。 相傳此雕像被送至大堂安放, 但卻神奇地回到聖奧斯定堂的祭壇上。 在每年四旬期游行的前一晚, 這個雕像會先送到大堂, 隔天再從大堂出發參與游行。 祭壇採用鋼筋混凝土結構, 裝飾為巴羅克風格, 表面飾水磨石, 地板鋪設馬賽克, 而中廳內部還有小祭壇。

Kun Iam Tong 觀音堂 (观音堂)

Located at Avenida do Coronel Mesquita in Macau The Kun Iam Tong is a Temple for the Goddess of Mercy. The temple was founded in the 13th century, with the present structure dating back to 1627 which make the temple as one of the oldest, biggest and wealthiest temples in Macau (the other two are A-Ma Temple and Lin Fung Temple (Temple of the Lotus).

There are open courtyards and ornately embellished halls, dedicated to the Precious Buddhas, the Buddha of Longevity or Kun Iam. The deity is dressed in embroiled silk and her clothing is changed every year. Flanking the Kun Iam are eighteen Buddha statues and one of them is said to be carved in the image of Marco Polo who studied Buddhism in the temple. The adjoining rooms hold funeral chapels and scrolls honouring Kun Iam.

A terraced garden is located behind the temple. The temple also known as the site of the first Sino-American treaty which was signed in 1844, between Ki Ying, the Viceroy of Canton, and Caleb Cushing, the United States minister. Close by is a marble statue of a monk. There are four old banyan trees here and their branches seem to intertwine. These old banyan trees are called the Lovers Trees and are a symbol of marital fidelity. Fountains, groves of bamboo and smaller shrines in honour of departed priests can be found on other parts of the Kun Iam Tong garden.

The feast day of Kun Iam is celebrated on the 19th day of the second, sixth, ninth and 11th moons.

觀音堂又稱普濟禪院。 是澳門三大禪院中規模宏大、歷史悠久、佔地廣闊、建筑雄偉的一家。 建於明朝末年, 距今約三百六十多年。 觀音堂除在於其悠久歷史以外, 更是簽署中美「望廈條約」的地方。 禪院為中國古翬飛式的佛教建筑, 具中國名山古剎的特色。 禪院的首座是大雄寶殿, 次殿是長壽佛殿, 后座正殿是觀音殿。 院后還有廣闊幽深的后花園, 是一座具規模港澳罕有的佛寺建筑。

大雄寶殿正對禪院, 供奉三尊三寶佛像, 皆為丈八金身。 其中之一為佛祖釋迦牟尼, 殿旁懸有一個已有三個半世紀的歷史銅鐘。 殿頂檐頭瓦脊鑲有明朝琉璃瓦及精工鑲嵌的石灣公仔。

次殿是長壽佛殿, 供奉長壽佛, 象徵佛陀普渡眾生的精神。 進入主殿觀音殿, 供奉觀音大士蓮台, 樟木雕塑, 18羅漢分列主殿兩旁, 雕工精細, 造型神態活現, 其中位於左面的一尊羅漢, 眼睛浮突、鼻骨高隆、鬢發卷曲,極像外國人, 據雲就是意大利威尼斯人馬可孛羅, 他曾在中國研習佛理。

禪院內進的前廳挂有一幅人稱「大笑佛」畫像。 無論從那個方向欣賞畫像, 佛相均咧咀相視而笑。 院內收藏了很多名家的書畫、書法、文物包括馳譽中外畫壇的嶺南派大師高劍父及乃徒關山月, 有嶺南三大詩家之稱的陳恭尹, 著名學者章太炎等人, 他們的作品懸挂於殿堂供游客欣賞。 在院內僧舍客堂屏壁, 雕花金飾, 而書法雕刻, 亦見清雅。 兩度屏風, 每度刻四屏條, 收米芾、董其昌、劉墉等歷代名人手跡, 刻工精細。

St. Anthony's Church 聖安多尼教堂 (圣安多尼教堂)

Saint Anthony Church is one of the oldest churches in Macau. The church was named after St Anthony of Padua, near Venice in Italy. St. Anthony is the patron saint of seafarers in Macau. His statue would be carried by a regiment of soldiers on his feast days.

The church stands on the site of a chapel that was built in 1558. It was then rebuilt in stone 1638, but burnt down in 1809. The church was then rebuilt the next year in 1810 and once again in 1875. The present St Anthony's Church was built at 1930 with Neoclassical style. Another fire necessitated restoration to be carried out again in 1930 and further work was done on the facade and tower in 1940.

The Portuguese liked to hold weddings here in the past, hence the name of "Church of Flowers".

聖安多尼教堂位於白鴿巢前地南面, 是澳門三大古老教堂之一。 教堂創建於1558至1560年間, 初為茅草覆蓋的簡陋小教堂, 直至1638年方改以石頭重新興建, 其后在1810年和1874年進行過兩次重修, 1930年才形成今日的外觀和規模。 教堂內供奉的是聖安多尼(St Anthony of Padua) - 葡萄牙人熟識的聖徒, 他被視為掌管人間的婚姻, 故很多居澳葡人也選擇在此舉行婚禮。 因此,華人稱之為「花王堂」。 教堂室內採用磚木結構, 橢圓形木構拱頂, 長方形中廳無柱廊阻隔, 木拱頂, 從天花之上垂下華麗的枝型大吊燈。 堂內祭壇為建於1875年的巴羅克式聖壇, 採用斷山花和雙柱的形式, 中間有耶穌釘在十字架上的塑像, 上面有耶穌會標志 HIS。 教堂的中廳內部還有小祭壇以及其它小祈禱室。

澳門早期的教堂大多經歷烈火洗禮, 聖安多尼教堂也不例外。 有關這座教堂的近代歷史, 特別是1874年9月22日的大火令人難以忘懷, 以后每年的9月22日這一天被澳門人稱作“天災節", 市民扛著聖安多尼像上街游行以示紀念。

St. Francisco Barracks 嘉思欄炮台 (嘉思栏炮台)

St. Francisco Barracks in Macau is among the prime Macau tourist attractions, and it is unique among the forts in Macau. The fort was built in 1629 at the very place where the Cannons were positioned to commemorate the victory of the Portuguese over the Dutch Navy. The colonial masters house their military capacity at St. Francisco Barracks to take the place as a good omen for the safety of Macau. The original fortress of S. Francisco and the convent of S. Francisco are located adjacent to the barracks.

The St. Francisco Barracks in Macau faces the Taipa channel at the end of aged Praia Grande. The armaments exhibited grand cannon with capacity to fire 35-pound iron shots to a distance of one and a half miles. The Barracks was conceived to house the Battalion of the First Line organized to defend Macau against a possible Chinese attack that never came.

嘉思欄炮台位於澳門大堂區。 在葡萄牙殖民地時期曾是軍事防御據點之一。 昔日的嘉思欄炮台曾為沿海第一道防線, 與媽閣炮台、仁伯爵炮台、聖約翰城堡及三巴炮台互相連貫, 防守澳門東南方向的沿海地區。 炮台名字是紀念一艘名叫嘉思欄(Gallias)的葡萄牙戰船, 戰船在1622年(明朝天啟二年)抵抗荷蘭人入侵澳門時被擊沉。

早年葡國人在該處建工事、筑炮台。 1629年炮台建成今天之規模。 炮台上的石牆高二丈、寬二十多丈, 放有大炮十台。 石牆以巨大的麻石砌成, 堅固挺拔, 數百年來多次維修保存至今。 炮台后的樓房是兵營。 1584年西班牙傳教士在嘉思欄炮台后址建立聖方濟各修道院。 其后羅馬教會實行改革修院廢置多年。 后來修院改為兵營, 七十年代葡兵撤出后該處改為保安部。 毗連則改建成為了今日的嘉思欄花園。 園中圓柱形建筑物前身為歐戰紀念館以紀念葡萄牙在第一次世界大戰中陣亡的士兵, 現已成為澳門傷殘人士協會的會址。

Holy House of Mercy in Macau 仁慈堂大樓 (仁慈堂大楼)

Located in a quiet lane just off Senado Square, the first Bishop of Macau Dom Belchior Carneiro, founded the Holy House of Mercy in 1569. The Holy House of Mercy in Macau has devoted its work to the local community, providing charitable assistance in the spirit of Christian fraternity. The Holy House of Mercy was the first charity association to be established in Macau. The building has a neo-classical style which has a refined noble appearance. Nowadays, the Holy House of Mercy exhibits historical pieces and objects of religious art that pinpoint the meeting of different cultures.

With a brick and granite structure has a refined noble appearance, the Holy House of Mercy used to have a lepers’ hospital in St. Lazarus District which is said to have been the first Western-model hospital in Asia. It used to have a chapel with a bell tower standing close by according to documents in historical archives and old drawings. The front of the building is divided into three vertical sections and the façade’s horizontal extension is balanced by ten sets of pilasters.

There is a 2 metrewide balcony on the first floor above the public passage. You can also find the skull, cross and full-length oil painting of Dorn Belchior Carneiro, the founder of the institution plus a bronze bell from the old St. Raphael Hospital, which was founded by Carneiro in the 16th Century on the 2nd floor.

仁慈堂於1569年由天主教澳門教區的首任主教賈耐勞(D.Belchior Carneiro)創立, 仁慈堂負責慈善救濟的工作。 成立之后仁慈堂開辦了中國第一間西式醫院白馬行醫院, 並設育嬰堂、麻瘋院、老人院、孤兒院等機構。

仁慈堂大樓建於18世紀中葉, 為一兩層高的歐陸式的傳統建筑物。 上有三角楣,整體白色設計,外表亮麗。 地面層建有拱廊, 上層走廊外建拱窗, 有窗台狀的鏤石欄杆, 其后於1905年以新古典主義的表現方式加建拱廊部分, 修成甚具古典文化特色的建筑模樣。

仁慈堂的二樓為博物館, 收藏了很多許多由私人捐出的宗教祭品。 其中有些是早期天主教傳入中國時由中國人制造的祭品。 反映出天主教早期來到亞洲而衍生出的文化特色。 其中館內最珍貴的為1662年「澳門仁慈堂章程」的手抄本, 是該堂最早及保存最久的歷史文獻, 甚是歷史價值。 在博物館內還能看見創始人賈尼路主教的頭顱遺骨以及當年陪葬的十字架、賈尼路全身畫像和前白馬行醫院的銅鐘等。

在「仁慈堂大樓」旁邊的一條橫巷內的盡頭亦豎立著一座賈尼路主教的半身銅像, 以紀念他一生對澳門及教會的貢獻。

Lilau Square 亞婆井前地 (亚婆井前地)

situated in the old “Christian quarter” where the Portuguese first settled in Macau, Largo do Lilau is surrounded by Portuguese style buildings and is therefore an area representing Macau’s unique urban style and features. The Square was one of the first settlements for the Portuguese.

"Lilau" means "mountain spring", the buildings in this area are built in the Chinese-Portuguese style, with some typical Mediterranean influence and some Art Deco influences. A fountain was added in the renovation in 1994, to symbolise an unfailing supply of spring water that nurtured the people there.

The Portuguese popular phrase: “One who drinks from Lilau never forgets Macau”, expresses the locals’ nostalgic attachment to Lilau Square.

亞婆井前地是位於澳門西望洋山北面的一個廣場。 傳說明朝一位婆婆在此地筑水池貯山泉方便居民汲取飲用, 故人稱呼水池為「亞婆井」。亞婆井的葡文意思是山泉, 由此可知, 此地昔日為澳門水池之一。

澳門昔日的葡萄牙人有民謠說:「渴過亞婆井水,忘不掉澳門;要麼在澳門成家,要麼遠別重來。」 可見亞婆井對本地葡人具有重要的意義。 為保存此區的文化特色, 澳葡政府亦進行了一系列重修工程使得各建筑物與景觀得以保存下來。

由於亞婆井前地及周圍古舊建筑, 故2005年開始便隨澳門歷史城區之一部份而被列入世界文化遺產名錄內。

Penha Hill & Chapel 聖母小堂主教山 (圣母小堂主教山)

Located at the top of Penha Hill, Chapel of Our Lady of Penha was built by sailors who narrowly escaped capture by the Dutch. The chapel was later served as shrine for sailors embarking on often hazardous voyages.

The chapel today dates back to 1837, when it was completely rebuilt along with the Bishop's Palace. There is a bronze gravestone with Portuguese inscriptions, indicating the resting place of Bishop John Bouner of Macau who was buried here on 18 February 1918. The bell tower can be seen from anywhere at the harbour. Visitors can get a panoramic view of the inner harbour and the magnificent Macau-Taipa Bridge from the Chapel of Our Lady of Penha.

On one side of the open courtyard is a marble statue of the Virgin Mary facing China. Nearby is a gravestone indicating the final resting place of Bishop John Bouner of Macau, buried there on 18 February, 1918. A popular grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes is located at the foot of a flight of stone steps

Every year thousand of faithful joins the image of Our Lady of Fatima for a pilgrimage and procession on the 13th of May. The procession will ends in the little courtyard of Penha Church. Three children, dressed as the three child seers, lead the procession and thousands of devotees coming from all over, never fails to accompany the Blessed Virgin Mary.

主教山小堂, 建於澳門半島最高點之一的西望洋山上。 是一座向航海者的保護神祈禱的小教堂, 又稱海崖聖母小堂。 1622年建於炮台旁供在澳葡兵彌撒祈禱之用, 1892年附近古堡拆除后聖母堂得以逐步擴大, 1835年重建后成為今天宏偉之規模。

教堂建筑以高聳的門樓為主體, 三角形的屋頂上站立著聖母塑像。 教堂左則為1935年加建的主教府, 右則為鐘樓, 聖母堂前筑有高台, 置有一大理石雕刻而成的聖母像。 其下有一盧瑟聖母岩洞, 循左右環抱之石階而下可達洞前。 洞內岩石嶙峋, 中開拱門, 內立聖母像, 象徵古時聖母在法國盧瑟城內當眾顯靈的情景。 其間正置祭壇, 洞前有鐵柵圍繞, 地上設有多排低矮長凳供人跪拜, 懺悔。 盧瑟聖母岩洞前, 空階上有一塊刻有葡文的古銅墓碑, 是二十世紀初天主教澳門主教埋骨之處。 1918年2月18日約翰鮑連那主教逝世寄葬於此。

教堂四周花徑通幽, 古樹厚蔭, 建筑端麗, 環境優美, 更可居高臨下環視南西灣和中國大陸珠海市灣仔的風光。

Sun Yat Sen Memorial House 孫中山國父紀念館 (孙中山国父纪念馆)

Located within walking distance of Lou Lim Ieoc Garden, Sun Yat Sen Memorial House was built in 1912 as residence for Sun Yat Sen's first wife Lu Muzhen. The house was where Dr. Sun Yat Sen once stay during his later visits to Macau in 1912.

The House was preserved to remember and commemorate the life of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. It is a three-storey high building with ornate verandahs and spacious courtyards designed in mock-moorish style. The House was reconstructed in 1933 and was renamed to its present name in 1958. A full-length bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen in the courtyard was cast by his Japanese friend Umeya Shokichi in 1934.

孫中山國父紀念館原是孫中山先生於1918年為其家人興建的寓所, 寓所是一幢富有回教色彩的建筑物, 於1958年才辟為“國父紀念館”。

國父紀念館內陳設的包括孫逸仙先生在廣州任大元帥時所用的文物家具, 在澳門行醫所用的物品及在廣州出任大元帥時所用的家俱和物品。 另有一些國父的真跡和生前珍貴照片。 此外還珍藏著一些孫中山先生留下的真跡以及革命烈士們的合照。 紀念館館側是花園, 現矗立著一尊國父的銅像以供游人瞻仰。

孫中山紀念館是一幢3層高5開間的西式建筑, 1918年由孫中山胞兄孫眉斥資興建, 一度是孫中山先生原配夫人盧慕貞的寓所。 1930年8月13日澳門兵頭花園后方軍火貯存庫爆炸時, 孫府曾被波及, 后來得以重建。 紀念館左側辟一個小花園, 孫先生生前喜歡在此坐立。 如今裡面矗立著一尊國父的全身銅像及"天下為公"四個大字,供游人瞻仰。

Traditional Pawnshop Exhibition 澳門最古老的行業 - 典當業展示館及文化會館 (澳门最古老的行业 - 典当业展示馆及文化会馆)

Located just near the Senado Square, the Traditional Pawnshop Exhibition in Macau exhibits and explains how pawnshops were run and operated in the early times. There are many pawnshops operating in Macau before, and the pawn business in Macau can be traced back to the Qing dynasty.

As part of its mission to preserve the cultural heritage of Macau, the Cultural Institute of the Macau has restored "Tak Seng On" to its original condition. The Traditional Pawnshop Exhibition illustrates the old history of pawnshops in Macau and the role it plays in the growing economy of Macau.

"Tak Seng On" [The Virtue and Success Pawnshop] was established in 1917, and initially belonged to a wealthy Macau merchant Mr. Kou Ho Ning. The architectural design and layout, interior decor and equipment in this shop is very similar to pawnshops in Mainland China at the time.

During the peak years of the pawn business in Macau, pawnshops were classified according to the kind of pledge they offered: Tong, On or Ngat:

Tong - involved the maximum level of capital investment, in terms of scale and resources. Items could be pawned for up to three years and the interest rate was the lowest.

On - loans could be arranged for one or two years at a slightly higher rate of interest.

Ngat - had the smallest level of operating funds. These shops offered loans for periods ranging from four months to one year at the highest interest rate. It offers a quick solution for gamblers and cash-strapped clients who would usually pawn watches, jewellery or fountain pens.

Nowadays, with the emergence of a strong banking sector and modern pawnshops, this affected the role of the traditional pawnshops operating in Macau.

Opening Hours: From 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Closed on the first Monday of every month)
Address: Av. Almeida Ribeiro No. 396

當業是一門古老的行業, 在世界各地均存在典當業。

澳門的典當業在本澳昔日的經濟中扮演過重要的角色, 歷史悠久, 清未民初時更加是成行成市。

德成按是民國六年開設的一間當鋪, 原為澳門富商高可寧之物業。 這間當鋪的格局無論外形建筑設計, 內部陳設的安排及典當記錄的工具和程序等均按民初時期中國當鋪的基本方式而設置。 如今這些古舊當鋪已成為歷史陳跡。 澳門特別行政區政府文化局為保存澳門的歷史文化, 特將「德成按」維修整理恢復昔日當鋪的面貌, 供市民及游人參觀。

開放時間: 上午十時三十分至晚上七時 (每月第一個星期一休館)
地址: 澳門新馬路396號
票價: 澳門幣五元正

Saturday, March 1, 2008

List of some famous classical building architectures in Macau 澳門具建築藝術價值之建築物 (澳门具建築艺术价值之建築物)


* 氹仔室前總督官邸
* 西望洋聖堂及主教私邸
* 聖若瑟修道院大樓
* 賈梅士花園房屋
* 何東圖書館大樓
* 陸軍俱樂部大樓
* 港務局大樓
* 消防局大樓
* 郵政局大樓
* 紅街市大樓
* 盧廉若私邸
* 大西洋銀行總行大樓
* 伯多祿官立小學大樓
* 嶺南中學大樓
* 培道學校大樓
* 培正中學大樓
* 利瑪竇學校大樓
* 崗頂劇院大樓
* 白馬行醫院大樓及花園
* 峰景酒店大樓
* 耶穌寶血女修院大樓
* 助學會大樓
* 十月初五街146號中藥局
* 位於司打口與火船頭街間之街口樓宇建築(同善堂第二診所)
* 法院大樓
* 六國飯店
* 鄭家大屋
* 大堂前地1號,3號,5號房屋(盧家大屋)
* 大堂巷7號房屋
* 地釐古工程師馬路4號房屋(聯合國大學國際軟體技術研究所)
* 南灣街83號房屋(高可寧故居)
* 水坑尾街29號房屋(高可寧大屋)
* 耶穌會紀念廣場4號,6號房屋
* 伯多祿局長街26號,28號房屋
* 怡和房屋
* 民國大馬路6號房屋(澳門基金會會址)
* 十月初五街64號當舖(德生大按)
* 板樟堂街6號當舖(高陞大按)
* 爐石塘當舖(德成按)
* 道德巷3號當舖
* 高士德大馬路14號,16號大樓(澳門演藝學院)


* 海島市政廳大樓(路氹歷史館)
* 福隆新巷(宜安街)1號當舖


* 路環圖書館大樓

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