Friday, March 28, 2008

Sir Robert Ho Tung Library 何東圖書館大樓 (何东图书馆大楼)

Located at St Augustine's Square and right beside the entrance to the St Joseph Seminary, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library is currently the biggest library in Macau. The building which houses Sir Robert Ho Tung Library was constructed in 1894. It was originally owned by one Dona Carolina Cunha and bought over by Hong Kong businessman Sir Robert Ho Tung in 1918. The house was used as his private residence between 1941 to 1945 when Hong Kong fell into the hands of the Japanese, Sir Robert moved to Macao and stayed here until the war ended. When Sir Robert passed away in 1955, the building was willed to the government to be converted into a public library. The Sir Robert Ho Tung Library was officially opened in 1958.

The original structure is inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its historical, cultural and architectural values.

何東圖書館大樓建於1894年(清光緒二十年)以前, 原主人為官也夫人(D. Carolina Cunha)。 香港富商何東爵士於1918年購入該大樓作為夏天來澳門消暑的別墅。 二次大戰日軍佔據香港期間(1941-1945)何東爵士曾在此定居。 1955年何東爵士逝世, 其后人根據生前遺囑意願將故居贈予政府作為公共圖書館用途。 至1958 年圖書館正式對外開放。

何東圖書館為集歷史、文化和建筑藝術於一體的園林式圖書館。 歐陸風韻的建筑樓高三層, 前部有拱廊, 是典型的花園式豪華住宅。 圖書館於1958年正式對外開放初時隻開放一樓藏書樓部分。 到1989年何東圖書館重修后, 地下為中文書庫和報刊室, 二樓為古籍藏書樓、澳門資料室及辦公室, 三樓為展覽廳和視聽室。 2005年何東圖書館主樓后花園側建了一座新大樓, 成為全澳門最大的公共圖書館。


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