Friday, March 28, 2008

Casa Garden - Former East India Company Headquarter 賈梅士博物院 - 東方基金會會址 (贾梅士博物院 - 东方基金会会址)

Built in 1770, the Casa Garden was originally the luxurious villa of a royal aristocrat from Portugal - Manuel Pereira. The garden occupies a very extensive area and featuring the English architectural style. The site was the seat for a museum in the 20th century and currently is one of the largest and most secluded parks in Macau.

The mansion has arched windows and shutters, with the exterior walls of the Casa Garden hosue are painted white. There is a marble balcony and stone steps and the main hall is splendidly decorated with a southern European style. A small bronze statute of Camões can be found in the park grotto, and at the far end of the garden.

At a later period the Casa Garden was rented out to the Macao Branch of the English East India Company as a residence for commercial directors, taipans and high-ranking British officers stationed in China.

The Casa Garden is now the head office of the Orient Foundation - a Macau cultural foundation.

東方基金會會址建於1770年代, 原址是澳門富商俾利喇(Manuel Pereira)的別墅。 后來租給英國東印度公司作為該公司駐華商務監督, 大班及英國駐中國高級官員的住所。 1885年該房屋成為澳葡政府的財產。 二十世紀60年代后曾改作賈梅士博物院, 現為東方基金會會址。 東方基金會會址建筑是澳門首幢別墅式花園的豪華住宅, 因此整個格調極具氣派。


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