Friday, March 28, 2008

Sun Yat Sen Memorial House 孫中山國父紀念館 (孙中山国父纪念馆)

Located within walking distance of Lou Lim Ieoc Garden, Sun Yat Sen Memorial House was built in 1912 as residence for Sun Yat Sen's first wife Lu Muzhen. The house was where Dr. Sun Yat Sen once stay during his later visits to Macau in 1912.

The House was preserved to remember and commemorate the life of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. It is a three-storey high building with ornate verandahs and spacious courtyards designed in mock-moorish style. The House was reconstructed in 1933 and was renamed to its present name in 1958. A full-length bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen in the courtyard was cast by his Japanese friend Umeya Shokichi in 1934.

孫中山國父紀念館原是孫中山先生於1918年為其家人興建的寓所, 寓所是一幢富有回教色彩的建筑物, 於1958年才辟為“國父紀念館”。

國父紀念館內陳設的包括孫逸仙先生在廣州任大元帥時所用的文物家具, 在澳門行醫所用的物品及在廣州出任大元帥時所用的家俱和物品。 另有一些國父的真跡和生前珍貴照片。 此外還珍藏著一些孫中山先生留下的真跡以及革命烈士們的合照。 紀念館館側是花園, 現矗立著一尊國父的銅像以供游人瞻仰。

孫中山紀念館是一幢3層高5開間的西式建筑, 1918年由孫中山胞兄孫眉斥資興建, 一度是孫中山先生原配夫人盧慕貞的寓所。 1930年8月13日澳門兵頭花園后方軍火貯存庫爆炸時, 孫府曾被波及, 后來得以重建。 紀念館左側辟一個小花園, 孫先生生前喜歡在此坐立。 如今裡面矗立著一尊國父的全身銅像及"天下為公"四個大字,供游人瞻仰。


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