Friday, March 28, 2008

St. Dominic's Church 玫瑰堂

Located right in the middle of Leal Senado plaza of Macau, St. Domingo was built by three Spanish Dominican priests in the mid 16th century. The church has been used to worship the Our Lady of Fatima - the most favorable goddess of the Portuguese. The parade of Our Lady of Fatima was held every year in May 13, began from this sanctuary inside this church.

St. Dominic's Church was originally built in wood, but finally rebuilt in stone in the year 1828. The basic layout of the church is influenced by both Portuguese and Spanish styles. The architecture is Jesuit mannerist. The ceiling of the church is fully decorated with different patterns of paintings, among the most attractive one is the one with big crown in the middle. The interior of the church is mainly consisted of colorful glass patterns, with a variety of shapes and sizes. The main altar is under the pattern of the crown. There is a statue of the sacred Mother with a sacred infant on her hands, and inside the sanctuary is the statue of Our Lady of Fatima on the altar.

The church was renovated in 1997 and opened to the public with a museum on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. This museum shows paintings, sculptures and liturgical ornaments that illustrate the history of the Roman Catholic church in Asia.

玫瑰堂正名為玫瑰聖母堂及聖多明我教堂, 位於澳門的市中心, 至今已有400多年歷史。 教堂於1587年由西班牙聖多明我會所建, 奉祀玫瑰聖母 (Our Lady of the Rosary), 次年由該會的葡萄牙教士所接管。 由於起初隻由木板搭建, 故被華人稱為「板樟堂」, 直至17世紀方改為磚石的結構。 1874年曾因火災而焚毀, 當年重建后則成現在的規模。 整座教堂建筑富麗堂皇, 其巴羅克建筑風格的祭壇更是典雅精致。 教堂旁的“聖物寶庫"收藏了三百多件澳門天主教珍貴文物。 教堂於每年5月13日舉行的花地瑪聖母聖像巡游, 是澳門天主教重要的節日活動之一, 喻意提示世人勿忘聖母在葡萄牙花地瑪對三位牧童的親授經文來祈求世界和平。


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