Friday, March 28, 2008

Grand Prix Museum 格蘭披治大賽車博物館 (格兰披治大赛车博物馆)

The Grand Prix Museum was built in Macau dedicated to racing. The museum was inaugurated in 1993. The objective of the museum is to remember and document the great moments in Grand Prix history, and at the same time to build a stronger and closer relationship between the local population and this social and sports event.

This museum was established to give extra promotion for the Macau Grand Prix in the hope to attracting more tourists to come, visit and join in the celebration of Macau Grand Prix, and paying tribute to individuals such as Teddy Yip, Paul Du Toit, Laurel, Ayrton Senna, and John Corsmit who contributed immensely to the success of the Grand Prix at the same time.

The exhibition hall of the Grand Prix Museum is packed with racing cars and motorcycles that have competed in the Macau Grand Prix through the years. These are the cars that competed in the races before.

One of the favorite attraction in this museum is the simulators. It allows visitors to feel of driving at a speed of up to 200 kilometers per hour. It allows visitors to play the driver of a speeding race car and the freedom to control the car on the Guia Circuit through the use of a television screen, or experience how it is be the passenger of a car that was driven during the Grand Prix.

大賽車博物館為了紀念澳門格蘭披士賽車四十周年, 澳門政府旅游司(現旅游局)興建了一座以這項賽事為主題的博物館。 並於一九九三年揭幕。 館內展出了與格蘭披士賽事有關的照片, 說明文章、獎項、舊款賽車及著名車手曾使用的戰車等。 各項展品均由不同的政府部門及私人機構所提供。 通過雙方的努力, 才能使不同類別的原制品得以集中起來, 作為展覽之用。 例如曾馳騁東望洋道路的跑車, 便是由私人收藏家和旅游司相繼捐贈及提供的, 其中數輛更是由跑車車主借出。 展出舊款賽車包括1954年格蘭披治賽車的第一部冠軍車 - Eduardo Carvalho 的Triumph TR2 賽車。

館內面積雖小, 但收藏品卻十分豐富, 除了有各式各樣的賽車還收藏了很多有關格蘭披治大賽車的照片、說明文章、獎項等, 各種展品都放置在不同的展區內。 旨在讓參觀者能更方便和有系統地了解各展品的歷史, 以及通過館內的各樣展品令人們對澳門格蘭披治大賽有更深的了解, 並且能緬懷那些曾為該賽事作出貢獻的人士和車手。

館內有二十多輛車壇名將的戰車, 有方程序賽車、摩托車和車手們用過的物品。 其中最著名的莫過於名震車壇的已故車手冼拿的參賽名車和他的賽車服了。 名將米高舒麥加曾在澳門作賽, 故館內亦放置了他當時在澳門參賽之賽車, 而且還有投影機放影他當年賽事時之精彩情況。

地址: 澳門高美士街旅游活動中心
開放時間: 每日上午十時至下午六時, 逢星期二休館
票價: 成人澳門幣10元, 十一歲至十八歲:澳門幣5元, 十歲以下小童及六十歲以上長者免費入場
電話: 7984108


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