Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mandarin’s House opens to the public 澳門歷史城區”之一鄭家大屋對外開放 (澳门历史城区”之一郑家大屋对外开放)


The Mandarin’s House has opened to the public again from 5th Feb after eight years of restoration work. The house is currently hosting an exhibition about the restoration work which was started in July 2001, when the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau took over the residence. The residence is located right in the middle of Macau’s historical centre and near one of the most famous squares, Largo do Lilau.

The construction of the residence was built around 1869 and was the ancestral home of Zheng Guanying. The residence was initiated by Zheng Wenrui, the father of Zheng Guanying, and was later expanded by the Zheng brothers. IT was designed in various architectural styles, including the Portuguese and Guangdong traditional features. This residence is a rare example of East-West architectural fusion meant to be found in Macau. The entire complex has more than 60 rooms in total and it is one of the few surviving examples of a traditional residence of the wealthy Chinese in Macau.

During the first phase of expansion, a museum next to the Mandarin’s House will be established. The government is planning to create a museum about Zheng Guanying’s life when he was living in the house. The government will also plans to transform the centre to the house into a memorial of Zheng Guanying. Experts from Shanghai and the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau are working together to collect more information about Zheng.

Cheng Kuan Yin - alias Chuang Kai Wa (1812-1893) was a scholar and a very wealthy men, friend of Sun Yat Sen, founder of the Chinese republic who met in this compound to discuss problems and solutions for a modern China.

The Mandarin’s House is located in Travessa de Antonio da Silva, Lilau Square.

The space is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm, and is closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Entries are in limited numbers for safety reasons.

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澳門歷史城區”之一鄭家大屋對外開放, 料鄭觀應生平展館、文史資料館等工程於三年內建成。 鄭家大屋透過與旅遊局合作, 屆時把周邊的亞婆井前地、港務局大樓、媽閣廟、主教山及聖老楞佐堂等景點串連起來, 拓展旅遊路線, 發揮環境優勢。

由2月5日下午3時起, 市民及遊客可入內參觀“鄭家大屋修復展示”, 是次“鄭家大屋修復展示”, 巿民及遊客將可重點觀看鄭家大屋歷經八年的修復成果, 公眾可欣賞鄭家大屋的多處空間包括轎道、大花園、文昌廳以及主體建築部分的餘慶堂及積善堂地面層及樓上大廳等。 此外大屋內尚設展覽室, 通過大屋修復前後面貌照片、修復材料、建築模型及建築構件展示等, 有助公眾在新舊對比中, 了解文化遺產修復的艱巨性和複雜性, 從而倍加珍視。 “鄭家大屋修復展示”平日的參觀時間由上午10時至下午6時,逢星期三、四休館。 為保護這一重要的文化遺產, 鄭家大屋將實行人流管制措施: 同一時間全屋最多接待100名公眾; 同一時間,餘慶堂地面層、樓上大廳及積善堂地面層分別最多接待20名公眾。

鄭家大屋是近代著名思想家鄭觀應的故居, 據掛設於屋內餘慶堂大廳的木牌匾楹聯所示, 其建造年份應在1869年之前, 為一院落式大宅。 大屋由鄭觀應之父鄭文瑞始建, 其後鄭觀應及其兄弟陸續修建, 規模不斷擴大, 現佔地4000平方米, 由多座不同風格建築及開放空間組成, 大小房間共有六十多間, 是澳門少見的家族式建築群。 該建築既有鮮明傳統廣東民宅特點, 亦隨處流溢西方建築特色, 充分體現了澳門中西文化交融的特徵。

澳門文化局自2005年起與上海圖書館合作, 共同出版了《鄭觀應文獻選集》系列叢書, 包括《盛世危言》、《鄭觀應檔案名人手札》及《香山鄭慎餘堂待鶴老人囑書》等, 今年將會出版鄭觀應的工作日記《長江日記》。 在音像資料方面2008年與上海音像資料館合作製作了《鄭觀應》文獻紀錄片, 目前則在製作《鄭觀應與洋務運動》文獻紀錄片, 專題介紹鄭觀應在洋務運動中, 對中國航運、電報、紡織、礦冶和鐵路業等所作的貢獻。


鄭家大屋服務專線: 2896 8820


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