* 媽閣廟
* 港務局大樓(舊稱「嚤囉兵營」,又稱「水師廠」)
* 鄭家大屋(鄭觀應的故居)
* 聖老楞佐教堂
* 聖若瑟修院大樓及聖堂
* 崗頂劇院(伯多祿五世劇院)
* 何東圖書館
* 聖奧斯定教堂
* 民政總署大樓(原澳門市政廳)
* 三街會館(關帝廟)
* 仁慈堂大樓
* 大堂(主教座堂)
* 盧家大屋(金玉堂)
* 玫瑰堂(板樟堂)
* 大三巴牌坊(聖保祿教堂遺址,有東方梵蒂岡之稱)
* 哪吒廟(位於大三巴牌坊側)
* 舊城牆遺址
* 大炮台
* 聖安多尼教堂(花王堂)
* 東方基金會會址
* 基督教墳場
* 東望洋炮台(包括聖母雪地殿教堂及燈塔)
* 媽閣廟前地
* 阿婆井前地
* 崗頂前地
* 議事亭前地(澳門的商業中心區,俗稱「噴水池」)
* 板樟堂前地
* 大堂前地
* 耶穌會紀念廣場
* 白鴿巢前地(亦稱花王堂前地、賈梅士公園前地)
List of sites
* A-Ma Temple
* Casa Garden
* Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady
* Dom Pedro V Theatre
* Guia Fortress
* Holy House of Mercy
* Leal Senado
* Lilau Square
* Lou Kau Mansion
* Mandarin's House
* Moorish Barracks
* Mount Fortress
* Na Tcha Temple
* Old Protestant Cemetery
* Ruins of St. Paul’s
* Sam Kai Vui Kun (Kuan Tai Temple)
* Section of the Old City Walls
* Senado Square
* Sir Robert Ho Tung Library
* St. Anthony’s Church
* St. Augustine’s Church
* St. Augustine’s Square
* St. Dominic’s Church
* St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church
* St. Lawrence’s Church
Source : AomenTV
Guia Fortress & Lighthouse
A Ma Temple
Macau: Walks Through Time (Pt.1)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Macau Historical Centre World Heritage 澳門歷史城區世界遺產
Posted by seemacau at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Historical Sites, Videos, World Heritages
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Dom Pedro V Theatre 崗頂劇院 (岗顶剧院)
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by Savio Wong
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by jaeWALK
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by Projecto Memória Macaense - MACAU
Posted by seemacau at 1:36 AM 1 comments
Labels: Dom Pedro V Theatre, Historical Sites
A-Ma Cultural Village - Coloane Island 路環媽祖文化村 (路环妈祖文化村)
A-Ma Cultural Village, with a coverage of 7,000 square meters. The Cultural Village is surrounded with the well-known A-Ma Statue which locates at the highest point at Coloane. It features religion, folklore, culture and leisure-seeking and expects to become a tourist mecca in Macau.
7,000 平方米的媽閣文化村,將環繞在一座本地最高點。以宗教為特色,民間傳說,文化和休閒設施, 期望成為在澳門的遊客目的地。
天后宮佔地面積約七千平方米, 位於路環疊石塘山頂。 整體建筑有甬道, 亭式山門, 祭壇, 大殿及梳妝樓四幢建筑。建筑物兩側對稱建有鐘樓、鼓樓、南北廊廡樓。 天后宮主廟群建筑始於路環高頂馬路旁的甬道, 甬道由六組階梯組成, 梯級中間均嵌有大幅青石浮雕或透雕的雙麒麟, 雙獅戲球, 虎嘯圖, 五鶴同喜, 雙鳳朝牡丹, 雙龍戲珠等吉祥圖案, 至山門前石埕。
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by smtfhw
Posted by seemacau at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: A-Ma Cultural Village, Coloane
Cheoc Van Beach 竹灣海灘 (竹湾海滩)
位於路環島南。竹灣海灘海水清,海沙白, 許多 人每年夏天前往度假和游泳。海灘旁的竹灣水上活動中心有專人訓練駕駛獨木舟、風帆和帆船。竹灣公園位於海灘側,公園 內有小吃店、更衣室和游泳池等多 樣設施。
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by Uncle Phil
Posted by seemacau at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Major Attractions in Macau - Wine Museum 澳門景點 - 澳門葡萄酒博物館 (澳门景点 - 澳门葡萄酒博物馆)
Source : www.travelchinaguide.com/attraction/macau
The Wine Museum aimed to introduce the development of brewing culture of wine to visitors. The museum occupies an area of 1400 square meters with a collection of more than 1115 brands of wine (756 commercial wines and 359 collection wines), in which “Martle” produced in 1815 is the earliest one.
葡萄酒博物館是位於澳門新口岸旅遊活動中心內的博物館,除了介紹釀酒、葡萄種植歷史,瀏覽葡萄種植、釀製工具器皿和各種陳年葡萄酒酒之外,還可讓遊客品嚐美酒。整個參觀區分為三大部分: 釀酒歷史區, 酒類收藏區, 酒類陳列區
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by Last Known Location
Posted by seemacau at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Museums, Wine Museum
Major Attractions in Macau - Lighthouse 澳門景點 - 東望洋燈塔 (澳门景点 - 东望洋灯塔)
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by dszuc
Posted by seemacau at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Historical Sites
Major Attractions in Macau - Maritime Museum 澳門景點 - 澳門海事博物館 (澳门景点 - 澳门海事博物馆)
The Macau Maritime Museum was built on the site where the Portuguese explorers landed on Macau in 1553. The museum was enlarged in 1990, and the design follows the typical European style museum layouts. It explore major themes in the history of the maritime industry in Macau, China and Portugal.
澳門海事博物館是澳門歷史最悠久的一間博物館,對面是媽閣廟。當年葡萄牙人第一次澳門,他們不清楚這地方叫什麼名字,問當地居民,居民回答:「媽閣!」。從此成了澳門, (葡文Macau,英文Macao)名的由來,為了紀念此事便在媽閣廟對面設立這所海事博物館。
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by andrastia
Posted by seemacau at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Maritime Museum, Museums
Major Attractions in Macau - The Grand Prix Museum 澳門景點 - 大賽車博物館 (澳门景点 - 大赛车博物馆)
The Grand Prix Museum in Macau contains exhibits that are related to Grand Prix worldwide including photos, videos, illustrated articles, cups, records of champions and some commemorative items. In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix, the museum was renovated in the charge of the Macau Tourism Bureau. An introduction to and basic knowledge of some people who made a great contribution to the Macau Grand Prix can be found in the museum.
格蘭披士大賽車博物館位置於新口岸的旅遊活動中心之內, 是為慶祝澳門格蘭披治大賽四十週年而興建的博物館,主要介紹澳門格蘭披治大賽。與葡萄酒博物館相鄰。館內收藏品: 有多種著名的跑車和相關格蘭披治賽車的照片、說明文章、獎項等, 加深遊人對澳門格蘭披治大賽的了解,並緬懷那些曾為該賽事作出貢獻的人士和賽車手
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by 火石
Posted by seemacau at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Grand Prix Museum, Museums
Major Attractions in Macau - Camoes Garden 澳門景點 - 白鴿巢公園 (澳门景点 - 白鸽巢公园)
Camoes Garden is one of the popular park for locals to do their morning exercises or to play chess. Currently this is the largest park in Macau as it covers an area of nearly 20,000 square meters (about 24,000 square yards). Before ceuturies ago, the site was originally the house for the Portuguese merchant who enjoyed raising pigeons. The bronze statue Standing in the park ‘Embrace’ which symbolizes the friendship between China and Portugal.
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by b8b8ng
Posted by seemacau at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Parks
Major Attractions in Macau - Memorial of Dr. Sun Yat Sen-Casa 澳門景點 - 國父紀念館 (澳门景点 - 国父纪念馆)
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by Snuffy
Posted by seemacau at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Historical Sites
Major Attractions in Macau - Monte Fort 澳門景點 - 大炮台 (澳门景点 - 大炮台)
The fortress was built in 1617-1626 by Jesuits and it has served by various functions. Over the following decades because of more and more tress growing, the fort now is becoming a public park and one of the famous attraction where residents and visitors came to enjoy the panaromic view of Macau.
澳門炮台是為昔日維持地區安全的軍事設施。澳門的炮台在密度與數量方面都堪稱中國最多炮 台的地方。現今炮台已全部退役,大部分已被清拆或被改建,餘下的成為澳門境內古老建築物。各炮台沒有劃一設計,所安設大炮數量亦沒有劃一的規定。不同地區 炮台會與其他地區的炮台共同組成軍事火力防禦網,維護防禦地區安全。炮台除安設大炮,通常都設有監視亭、軍火庫、兵營等軍事設施。
Source : www.flickr.com and takenby Nick Acidic
Posted by seemacau at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Historical Sites, Monte Fort
Macau Cultural Center 澳門文化中心 (澳门文化中心)
Source : www.ccm.gov.mo
The Macao Cultural Centre marks a new era in the cultural history of Macao as it offers a number of unique venues for artistic events, conferences and exhibitions, increasing cultural interchange and helping to expand culture amongst the Macao population.
Thus, the Cultural Centre fulfils the cultural needs and improves the quality of life of the cosmopolitan population of Macao and the tourists . With a total area of 45,000 m², the centre includes a garden, a complex of two Auditoriums and an Art Museum. The complex of auditorium is composed of two venues: the Grand Auditorium, with capacity for 1,114 spectators and the Small Auditorium destined for small shows and cinema. Both auditoriums include simultaneous interpretation rooms and modern sound with the illumination systems. Besides, there are also conference rooms, exhibition hall, orchestra rehearsal room, multi-purpose rehearsal room, dance studio, green room, etc within the area of the complex.
The main building comprises an area of 11,920 m², in 5 stories and the Museum includes 5 exhibition rooms in an area of 4,000 m² approximately. This is, in fact, the largest audiovisual space in Macao currently built. The Museum also features a conference room and a multimedia library, with other facilities at the Cultural Centre are cafeteria, a bar, box office and information desk.
The Cultural Centre the ideal venue to hold international business conferences because Macau is benefits from efficient mean of access by sea, land and air.
This 2-storey and 1,114-seat theatre, in a classical style with sophisticated equipment, is ideal for a wide range of performances including symphony concerts, chamber music, opera, dance, variety shows, drama and conventions.
The Small Auditorium, with a capacity of 393 seats, is the perfect theatre for holding small cast plays, contemporary dances, cinemas and seminars. With a full cinema screen, this Auditorium is fitted with surround sound for movies and other projections.
The Conference room is equipped with simultaneous transmission network. It is also a multi-purpose venue which can accommodate up to 200 people in theatre style for seminars or 100 people sit-down dinner. The area has a flexible spiral layout with movable partition walls which allow the area to be sub-divided into three smaller functional rooms.
The Orchestra Rehearsal Room is of a sound-proof construction with a ceiling rises to 9m. It is an ideal place used by performers for concert rehearsals.
This multi-purpose Rehearsal Room which lined with sprung floors, furnished with mirrors, barre and sound-proof equipped, is suitable for dance and music rehearsals, lectures, demonstrations and product launches.
This music studio is an ideal and spacious area for performers to conduct their rehearsals.
Furnished with mirrors and barre, the studio is used for dance rehearsals, lectures and demonstrations.
With capacity for up to 50 guests for any types of functions inside this VIP room. It may also be used as a temporary exhibition room. Besides the VIP room, there is a corridor for private access leading to the Grand Auditorium.
A spacious area where exhibitions and buffets may be held in this foyer.
A wide variety of performances can be held in the Cultural Centre Square, which includes out-door activities, private and social groups hosting open air functions.
Posted by seemacau at 1:31 AM 29 comments
Labels: Cultural Center
Hac Sa Beach 黑沙海灘 (黑沙海滩)
Hac Sa Beach (黑沙海灘) is the largest natural beach in Macau. It is locate on the southeast side of Coloane Island. The beach is famous for its black sand. In recent years, the government refilled the beach with yellow sand in order to prevent the beach from disappearing.
Source : www.those-days.com/hkpic/macau/20040408
Posted by seemacau at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Temples in Macau 澳門廟宇 (澳门庙宇)
1. Hong Kung Miu
Location : Stands in the bustling market square between Rua das Estalagens and Rua de Cinco de Outubro.
Built : 1750
2. Kun Iam Tong
Location : Avenida do Coronel Mesquita
Built : 1627
This is the oldest organized temple in
3. Lin Fung Miu
Location : Avenida do Almirante Lacerda
Built : 1592
The temple was built in 1592 and its the leading Taoist temple in
4. Lin Kai Miu
Location : Travessa da Corda
Built : it dates from the late 1600’s
This is one of the older temples in the city and the temple’s facade is granite with carvings on the walls. The temple’s focus 'Ua Kuong' is the god of protection against fire. Furthermore, There is a hall devoted to the Taoist Monkey god.
5. Pou Tai Un
Location : Taipa
Built : Founded in the 19th century, Buddhist monks started the temple date back in the 1800’s.
This is possibly the richest temple in
6. Tai Soi Miu
Location : Rua da Figueira
Kun Iam has a prominent place in the temple. Also included inside the temple is a shrine to Pau Kung, the Taoist god of justice. Tai Soi is among
7. Tam Kung Miu
This temple is dedicated to Tam Kung, the Taoist god of sailors. It also houses a four foot replica of a dragon boat made from whale bone - complete with wooden sailors in red robes and yellow hats, and there are extravagant murals in the temple.
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by daniel_k_wong
The A-Ma Temple sits at the bottom of Penha Hill by a cliff. The temple has four main buildings, three of which are dedicated to A-Ma, which are the goddess of Mercy, Kun Iam, is the focus of one shrine. The Main Hall, Stone Hall, and Great Mercy Hall, however, all are dedicated to A-Ma and include statues of the goddess and models of the Chinese junk in which she made her legendary voyage. The Garden spots built into the cliff behind the temple provide some excellent views of the city. There is a festival in honor of A-Ma in April or May every year.
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by * andrew
9. Pak Tai
Location : Rua do Regedor
Built : 1844
The temple is devoted to the Taoist god of the North, Pak Tai. It was renovated in 1994 by the Macau Cultural Institute and the Orient Foundation of Macau.
Source : www.flickr.com and taken by lam_vienna
10. Tin Hau Old Temple
Location : Avenida da República.
Built : 1677
This is the oldest temple on Coloane Island. The temple has undergone several renovations in the past decades. The most recent one is being sponsored by the Macau Cultural Institute in the 1980’s. In traditional fashion, the temple is divided into three chapels - Tin Hua is the “Queen of the Sky” in Chinese mythology, Tin Hau shares the temple with alters to the god of war (Kuan Tai), the god of wealth (Choi Pa Seng Kaun), the god of medicine (Wa To), and the god of carpenters (Lou Pan).
11. Kuan Tai Temple
Built : 1750
This temple is dedicated to Kuan Tai, which is the god of war and riches in Chinese mythology. Kuan Tai and his two sons sit on an alter in the temple. Festivals to Kuan Tai take place in May and June every year.
Posted by seemacau at 1:29 AM 14 comments
Labels: A-Ma Temple, Historical Sites, Pak Tai Temple, Tam Kung Temple, Temples